Honorable Wayne Holden
Honorable Larry Graham
Court Clerk Loretta Close
Court is held Monday Evenings at 7pm - The Court is closed on Wednesdays
Honorable Larry Graham
Court Clerk Loretta Close
Court is held Monday Evenings at 7pm - The Court is closed on Wednesdays
Franklinville Town Court
11 Park Square, PO Box 146
Franklinville NY 14737
Phone: 716-676-3078
Fax: 716-676-5261
E-mail: [email protected]
11 Park Square, PO Box 146
Franklinville NY 14737
Phone: 716-676-3078
Fax: 716-676-5261
E-mail: [email protected]
If you have a traffic ticket - We encourage you to review the information listed below and then enter your plea via mail. If you are pleading Guilty you may send your plea directly to the court. If you are pleading Not Guilty you may contact the Town Prosecutor directly using the information provided.
Information for Individuals Charged with Traffic Infractions, not including Misdemeanors – Traffic Infractions Guide
If you have a pending Criminal Case – you must appear on the date directed on your appearance ticket unless you have been notified of a new date by the Court. If you believe that you qualify to be represented by the Cattaraugus County Public Defender’s Office you may contact them directly at Email: [email protected], or Phone: (716) 373-0004 Fax: (716) 373-3462.
Payments may be made in person during the morning hours. It is preferred that you do not come to court solely to pay your fines. WE DO NOT ACCEPT PERSONAL CHECKS. Only cash, money orders, certified checks or Visa and Mastercard are accepted. Canadians must pay in US funds. A certified check or money order should be made out to the Franklinville Town Court.
If you are unable to pay during the time the clerk’s office is open, you may leave a payment in the secured drop box next to the front door of the Town Hall. Envelopes are available on the drop box. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU FILL OUT THE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE WITH ALL THE INFORMATION, AND IF POSSIBLE, LEAVE YOUR FINE NOTICE WITH YOUR PAYMENT.
Payments may also be mailed to the above court address.
Credit Card payments CANNOT BE ACCEPTED OVER THE PHONE. You may fill out the bottom portion of your fine notice and either mail or fax to the court. A receipt will be mailed to you upon payment of any fine. If you do not receive a receipt, please contact the court clerk.
Payments may also be made online at www.paycourtonline.com or call 1-888-912-1541. Suspension lift fees cannot be paid through this site. Please note that there is a convenience fee charged by the company, that is not given to the court.
Small Claims Forms
Small Claims Information – You may contact the court or http://www.nycourts.gov/courthelp/.
Landlords, Tenants, and Eviction notices information - http://www.nycourts.gov/courthelp/.
The court CANNOT help with the eviction process.
Information for Individuals Charged with Traffic Infractions, not including Misdemeanors – Traffic Infractions Guide
If you have a pending Criminal Case – you must appear on the date directed on your appearance ticket unless you have been notified of a new date by the Court. If you believe that you qualify to be represented by the Cattaraugus County Public Defender’s Office you may contact them directly at Email: [email protected], or Phone: (716) 373-0004 Fax: (716) 373-3462.
Payments may be made in person during the morning hours. It is preferred that you do not come to court solely to pay your fines. WE DO NOT ACCEPT PERSONAL CHECKS. Only cash, money orders, certified checks or Visa and Mastercard are accepted. Canadians must pay in US funds. A certified check or money order should be made out to the Franklinville Town Court.
If you are unable to pay during the time the clerk’s office is open, you may leave a payment in the secured drop box next to the front door of the Town Hall. Envelopes are available on the drop box. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU FILL OUT THE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE WITH ALL THE INFORMATION, AND IF POSSIBLE, LEAVE YOUR FINE NOTICE WITH YOUR PAYMENT.
Payments may also be mailed to the above court address.
Credit Card payments CANNOT BE ACCEPTED OVER THE PHONE. You may fill out the bottom portion of your fine notice and either mail or fax to the court. A receipt will be mailed to you upon payment of any fine. If you do not receive a receipt, please contact the court clerk.
Payments may also be made online at www.paycourtonline.com or call 1-888-912-1541. Suspension lift fees cannot be paid through this site. Please note that there is a convenience fee charged by the company, that is not given to the court.
Small Claims Forms
Small Claims Information – You may contact the court or http://www.nycourts.gov/courthelp/.
Landlords, Tenants, and Eviction notices information - http://www.nycourts.gov/courthelp/.
The court CANNOT help with the eviction process.